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@  Cus.73 : (26 August 2024 - 15:43) Не получается активировать профиль
@  nik9 : (03 July 2024 - 18:25) сайт живой ?
@  kolodiagnyi77 : (11 June 2024 - 11:51) Всем привет старым и новым!
@  Андрей-77 : (27 May 2024 - 12:53) Привет
@  coa3 : (27 May 2024 - 10:40) всем привет
@  Стрелятель : (19 May 2024 - 17:08) Коллеги с днём пионерии!!! Кто успел.
@  admin : (08 May 2024 - 22:58) С днем ПОБЕДЫ! :dont:
@  Kapacь : (07 May 2024 - 18:27) Админ, забань ppu-pro_Cex, весь форум загадил! Тут правда и так ничего нет, но всё же...., может ещё чего то будет....
@  admin : (24 April 2024 - 10:49) :dance2: :cheerleader3:
@  Kapacь : (17 April 2024 - 11:07) Ну, слава Богу, заработало....
@  asterix : (17 April 2024 - 09:35) форум немного поправили, теперь хоть читать можно...
@  AltArt : (23 February 2023 - 18:03) С Днём защитника Отечества, дорогие братья и сестры!!! Воинов, волонтёров, тех, кто помогает тайно или явно, трудится на своих местах на благо Родины, молится и приближает нашу Победу. Храни, Господи, люди Твоя и благослови достояние Твое! За Победу, за Мир, за Единство! Мы - русские! С нами Бог!!!
@  толян1972 : (20 February 2023 - 22:57) согласен))))
@  coa3 : (17 February 2023 - 15:41) Георгия, основателя форума, с Днем Рождения!!
@  filinf : (17 February 2023 - 11:46) Господа. Доброго дня! Давненько я на Форум не заходил, - раскаиваюсь! А сейчас ищу Тему с ремонтом Тайменя. - Есть у нас на сегодня такая?
@  Кубанец : (08 February 2023 - 12:14) Всем привет! Давно не был на форуме, очень давно...
@  vadimvm77 : (01 February 2023 - 14:43) чечен
@  Гость : (25 January 2023 - 14:32) как писать сообщения вновь прибывшим?
@  Гость : (25 January 2023 - 14:31) не совсем понятно, как писать и отвечать в теме
@  Кексус Ли : (24 January 2023 - 11:17) Пять дней прошло, никого. Точно, сдулся. Я спать

Раздел помощи: Using the Gallery

Our Gallery allows users (where permitted) to upload images and/or to create their own albums to host images. Following is brief overview of some of the features in our Gallery.

Sorting Images in a Category

When viewing a category, you can change the sort options in the category at the bottom of the screen. You can select the order to sort the images in, as well as a cut off for the image submission date. Your sort selection will be carried over for each page you click until you leave the category.

Managing Your Albums

Visit your 'My Controls' page, and click on 'Your Albums' (or click on the 'My Albums' link in the member bar at the top of the page after you have created at least one album). You can create, edit, delete, and upload images to albums from this page. When adding or editing an album, note that you can either create a private album to host your images within, or you can create a public album viewable to all members.

Submitting an Image

To submit an image to a category, visit the category you wish to submit your image to, and click on 'New Image'. If the administrator allows other file types (such as movies), you can choose 'New Media'. If the administrator allows you to bulk upload images, click 'Bulk Upload'.

Similarly, to submit an image to one of your own albums, you can visit your album in the Gallery and click on 'New Image' or 'New Media'. You can also go to 'My Controls' and select 'Upload Image' from the drop down next to any of your albums.

Rating an Image

If the administrator allows, you can rate images in the Gallery. Visit an image, and select the rating you wish to apply to it from the drop down rate menu, and click 'Rate'.

Managing to your Favorites

To add an image to your list of favorites, when viewing an image click the 'Favorite' button.

To remove an image from your favorites go to your 'My Controls' page, and click 'Your Favorites'. Click the remove image button next to any image you wish to remove. Additionally, you can bulk download all of the images in your favorites list from this page.

Sending an Ecard

You can send an ecard to someone via email by visiting the image page and clicking the Ecard link. You will be able to customize some of the properties of the ecard, and specify an email address. When the recipient receives the email, they will then be able to follow the link to view the image with your personalized message.

Viewing a Slideshow

You can view a slideshow of all images in a category by visiting the category in Gallery, and clicking the 'Slideshow' button. You will be allowed to configure a few of the properties for the slideshow, and then the images will be presented to you in a slideshow manner.

Searching for an Image

On the Gallery home page, you can search for an image by typing in the text you wish to search for in the box at the top of the page. You can search in captions and descriptions for the text you specify.

Viewing Top Rated Images

At the bottom of the Gallery index page in the stats area, you can click on 'Top Rated Images' in the stats header to view the top 10 rated images.

Viewing the Most Viewed Images

At the bottom of the Gallery index page in the stats area, you can click on 'Most Viewed Images' in the stats header to view the top 10 images with the most views.

Viewing the Most Recent Comments

At the bottom of the Gallery index page in the stats area, you can click on 'Recent Comments' in the stats header to view the top 10 most recent comments made.

Viewing the Most Recent Image Submissions

At the bottom of the Gallery index page, a listing of the most recent images will be displayed, if the administrator has enabled this feature.